The Microsoft SQL Server is a professional database system for the efficient management of large amounts of data. Track of the day uses the SQL server since version 3.0 in the LocalDB 2019 version . In order to make the installation as easy as possible, up to version 5.17 a suitable installation package was included in the scope of Track of the day and the SQL server was installed if required.
Since April 2024, this convenient installation method has been rejected by Microsoft on the grounds that the Microsoft SQL server is no longer allowed to be part of the Track of the day installation scope . Even an automatic download with a manual installation is no longer permitted according to the Microsoft Windows Store guidelines from April 17, 2024 .
From version 6.0 onwards, the Microsoft SQL Server LocalDB 2019 must be installed on the target device before installing Track of the day . Microsoft provides a suitable installation package for download here:
Why SQL Server?
These screenshots show how the Microsoft SQL server is integrated into Track of the day . The SQL server serves as a storage and archive for GPX tracks , GPX routes and POIs .
Point-of-Interests – POIs
This screenshot shows how POIs are managed in SQL Server. The Microsoft Campus in Redmond was chosen as an example. The POI database table stores names, geo-coordinates, addresses, images, etc. This makes it possible to find POIs in a map section or along a route and to display them on the map. If you click on a POI, the POI preview opens and you can start a route at this POI, navigate from your home address to this POI or integrate it into a route as a stopover.
The second example shows how routes are managed in the SQL server database. Here, too, there are many parameters that enable a search using the current map section, the name and other properties of the route. In the screenshot, the POI SuperSearch is thickened on the right edge of the screen. Here you can search for gas stations, restaurants and hotels along tracks and routes or in the area around the map center. All POIs can be assigned a type and a category. Hashtags are also possible so that you can quickly find everything again later. The contents of the POI-SuperSearch are made available via the Internet from a Microsoft database for a fee.
With version 6.0, the new cloud services were introduced in Track of the day . This cloud allows you to search for tracks and routes shared by other users. The following screenshot shows the cloud services with search enabled. The search via a map section returned the search result shown. The search results are divided into tracks and routes and there is a list for each track and route. Above these lists there are two buttons that allow importing all tracks or all routes. You can open search results immediately or import everything into the local database.
In the example shown, the tracks found were imported into the database. One of the tracks in the database was then selected so that it can be seen as a preview on the map. With a simple double click, this track can be opened from the database at any time and further edited as desired.
This Video explains how to install Track of the day Version 6.0 and shows how to create a first route and export it to navigation systems or apps like google maps.